If Colin's brain were a football pitch, this story is a goal! 


If you know Colin, you’ll know that he is a very happy chap in general. Not overly expressive, but deeply content. But recently he was particularly overjoyed to hear news from Horacio in Maputo. Horacio had done some training with us here in Hilton, with Domingos, Augusto and Calmito - remember the smiley men sitting in the arbour surrounded by autumn leaves?

Then we saw him at the training we did in Maputo in August last year. Since then, he has picked it up and run with it, teaching the material himself in Portuguese! He is reaching much further afield than we ever could have done, and has many people asking him to visit and help around Mozambique. He has huge plans in his head!

Why is this so thrilling for Colin? “Well,” he said, “it’s the first official course that I haven’t been involved with at all. Horacio is working with people that HE feels he can train.”

And that’s the mission: multiplication!


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