Regions Beyond 


Regions Beyond is a diverse family of churches joined in apostolic partnership. Their common desire is to see every church among them established as a loving, prayerful, worshipping community that is centred on Jesus, deeply rooted in the Word of God and fully empowered by the Holy Spirit, in order to be effective witnesses in their local communities and across the nations.

This world-wide movement of churches was originally the vision of Steve Oliver and his wife, Heather. Together with their three sons, they moved to a remote farm in Clarens in the Eastern Free State of South Africa to plant Dihlabeng Christian Church. Working amongst the people there for 13 years, they saw God moving powerfully as they gathered a diverse community of people with a passion for God, a heart for the poor, and a calling to the ends of the Earth.

Regions Beyond now operate in 30 nations across 5 continents.



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