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The first batch of the 'Introduction to Biblical Theology' booklets translated into Swahili have arrived ready for taking to Zanzibar in August. Meanwhile Fabian is forging ahead in Dar es Salem, using the translated text that was written to send to the printers! He sent this note to our group:

Hi Guys hope you are doing well by the grace of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Just wanna to ask your prayers for our weekly program of teaching Swahili booklet  "Introduction to Biblical Theology" Swahili translated copies as we were started last week in Dar esSalam only for church elders and Deacons, we meet one per week, the leaders from other churches are invited. Fabian


These photos depict the verses from Habakkuk 3 - 

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." 

Thanks for all your support, and if you have given financially recently, we hope this news encourages you greatly!


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