New Years’ Progress Report 


Here’s a little catch-up with progress, plans and prayer-points from Mobilise Global. Much of the content is lifted from an email to the trustees of 'East End Church’ in the East London UK, to explain how their financial gift is being invested across the world. Isn’t it cool that a congregation surrounded by tanning studios and tattoo parlours in the East End of London can sow into the kingdom and affect the lives of a congregation surrounded by fishermen in coastal Zanzibar? 

We’ve recently finished 3 more teaching modules that we’ll be using for training our leaders. 

‘Empowered by the Spirit’ – teaching people about the role of the Holy Spirit, and learning how to rely more on him for evangelism, serving others and living a fruitful life.

‘Embracing the kingdom’ – learning how to make disciples and plant churches

‘The heart of a leader’ – learning from Jesus as a leadership model, and how to grow in godly character, plus skills training for healthy pastoring and dealing with conflict.

Things are opening up for us to travel again, so if we can raise the money, we will be travelling in South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, Zanzibar and Kenya to train local leaders. Many of these are in difficult situations, reaching out to unreached people groups. We are also training pastors in Pakistan and Myanmar, and hoping to visit them at some point.

God has opened some significant doors for us among some new networks of churches. This month we’ll be starting some training with 3 significant leaders in South Africa who are leading groups of churches, so that they can then take the training and use it to train their leaders. This is an exciting step for us, as we can see that the materials we have developed so far have been really useful for leaders who haven’t had a formal training. We meet such people often here, and they are desperate for more help. 


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