Sharing Resources 


Gareth set up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page recently, to raise money for more training material. The first batch had been so well-received, and it’s much cheaper to print in bulk so we gave it a try. Well, the money rolled in, and very quickly we had 500 copies of the ‘Introduction to Biblical Theology’ in English, and 500 in Portuguese. Also 500 booklets on Issachar Alliance stuff (our family of churches), and 100 small booklets for brand new christians, called ‘Introduction to the Bible’.

This is exactly what ‘Mobilise Global’ is about - it called for a local launch! So last week whilst the leadership team were gathered here for 2 weeks, we had a special evening when Colin presented his new material and gave out a load to take back to other areas of South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, Liberia, and Zanzibar.


Thank you to everybody who gave money. Our friend here in the purple told us that he recently had a bush knife held to his throat by terrorists, and was told to stop preaching the gospel around Zanzibar. He replied that he wasn’t afraid to die as he was heaven-bound, so he would choose to carry on. We can’t all be in his shoes, but we can certainly support him by sharing resources.


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