Fabulous Fabian 


Meet our friend Fabian, who is a key part of the team we work with. He brought his friend to the training base in South Africa recently and they joined in with some training. Fabian is pictured on the right, and Kamole on the left. More on him another day – it’s quite a story.

These men care for several churches in Tanzania and Zanzibar.

Here’s what Fabian had to say. “This theological input is not just for us, but for the entirety of Tanzania – for our whole nation. I would love people from all over Tanzania to come and stay and do this teaching. I would love different tribes and denominations to do it because in our nation people believe in Jesus but they are not born again.

There is a lot of bad teaching and sometimes people get stoned for bad behaviour – people are confused and deceived in my nation. Lots of people in Tanzania believe in Jesus but they don’t believe in salvation. Sometimes people get saved and they are taught wrong things. eg. If you are rich then heaven isn’t your place. If you are poor it’s because of a curse through the generations. The pastor asks you for offerings of money so that you can be delivered from poverty – they measure the amount and try to deliver you from the curse.

There are all kinds of colleges for getting certificates and degrees in theology but there is sometimes no truth. If we brought this good teaching of Mobilise Global into Tanzania and Zanzibar it would be like Joseph going into Egypt bringing food to the hungry people.”

When asked, Fabian said he would like you to pray. “Please pray for a centre where people can come and hear. Pray for a door to open. And please, from the bottom of my heart, we need this material translated. It is something serious. We meet people who are born again and they don’t know the truth – they need it in Swahili.”


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