Mission to Mozambique 


This is Calmito who visited our training base recently from Mozambique (pointed out on the map). He joined in with some of Colin’s training, along with a couple of others from his country.


Calmito is always such an encouragement – a man of real faith and energy for spreading the gospel amongst unreached people. He and his wife Benita live in Maputo, where they lead a church, feed and house numerous orphans, and lead a network of other church leaders. During the last few weeks, they left their home and travelled up north to the refugee camps where people are escaping ISIS. It’s very humbling to think of friends stepping out in such a way, imagining all the sights they see and stories they hear.

He also visited his friend’s church near that area and sent our family of churches a photo of him sharing some of Mobilise Global’s training that he’d just picked up. That church started in 2010 when Calmito was travelling through. He felt God lead him to a particular person so he knocked on the door, the guy got saved, and the church got started! They now have 15 small groups running out of this church (but the numbers change and grow quickly!).

Let’s pray for dear Calmito and Benita, and all the people that they serve, train and love. They do the tough stuff that most of us don’t do, but prayer back-up for their world is vital.


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