A happy milestone 


Today is a momentous day – the first version of the “Introduction to Biblical Theology” booklets has been sent off to the printers. It has been translated into Portuguese ready to take to Mozambique ASAP. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but they should also say it takes a village to get a booklet produced!

The 76 pages represent weeks and months of Colin’s brainpower – you could even argue a lifetime! Then came Calmito in Mozambique, overseeing a professional translator and working together with him. Then John Evans in Mexico took the version from Mozambique, tweaked it and checked that the theological terms still made sense. Next Rachel Ireland designed the overall look and formatted the content in Worthing UK. Then finally TODAY we sent it to a printers in Pietermaritzburg, SA. Let’s hope they clear this final hurdle! Anything can happen in South Africa!

Ultimately it is God who does the work. He loves to breathe on our feeble efforts and do mighty things. Let’s pray He uses this booklet as a tool to empower the leaders in Mozambique, helping them understand the bible well themselves. Then they’ll feel confident to train a whole new bunch of leaders. One day they hope to have a training centre there too!

Many thanks to everyone who has helped and prayed. All glory to God.


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