A few days in Maputo 


It was a real joy to connect with the pastors and leaders who form Calmito’s team in Maputo. Colin and Pam spent 3 days in a little room with a blackboard, Colin’s big brain. Calmito’s translation skills and our new Portuguese booklets on ‘Biblical Theology’. The students were bright and enthusiastic so there was a lot of lively discussion and mental gymnastics – this is always brilliant to see. They were from a variety of churches and organisations who work together and encourage each other.


We handed over the booklets and Colin said ‘this is 4 years’ work!’. Calmito unwrapped them and handed the first copy to a pastor called Manuel Cossa who exclaimed, “I am the first man in the whole world to receive this book!!” Everyone burst out laughing. They were all so appreciative -  thanks once again to John Evans for translation, Rachel Ireland for design, East End Church and Redeemer Church for money and Calmito for all his continued enthusiasm.

Pastor Cossa stood up and addressed the room, exhorting the others to join him in the coming months to go through the material and to share it with all their leaders.

At one point Colin was explaining some of the amazing truth around Jesus as the true Sabbath and they broke out in spontaneous applause. In a world where they haven’t been allowed to worship because of COVID, and there is very little expression of their faith, it was quite a moment.


On the left is Horacio – one of the senior leaders of that community. He is a highly-respected man who we are enjoying getting to know.

We are dreaming of a training centre right there in the outskirts of Maputo - we saw some land on the west side of the city. Calmito has already put a deposit down on it, but for now it is just bush. People like Calmito encourage us to open our eyes of faith!!


Please pray for finances, for the right people to be able to run a training centre, and for huge fruit in this part of Africa which will cause unreached people to hear and believe the gospel. Calmito has a huge heart for the refugees in the Muslim north – that they would be able to come and stay right here on this land, be trained and then be sent out with the gospel.


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