Launching in Swahili

Launching in Swahili

Recently we launched the teaching material in Swahili in the beautiful location of Pongwe, Zanzibar. Three pastors from the island, three from around Dar es Salaam and two from Mbeya met together with Colin and his friend Zakhile. Fortified by rice, beans and spinach, they spent five days working from breakfast until 10 o’clock at night, such was the appetite for biblical theology! Even on the last day, during a discussion, one of the pastors said how much there was still to learn, and told Colin, “You need to come back for a month!”

They were incredibly grateful to receive visitors who had materials in the right language, and time to help them work through it, so once again, a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped make this happen. Fabian’s desire is that these resources would reach the whole of East Africa, not just Tanzania and Zanzibar. God loves men with vision!

Swahili group


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