Mission Fun for Families 

Mission Fun 
Leon and his wife Shenelle really showed us how mission can be FUN for families recently when they went on a trip to Cape Town with their gorgeous girls. 

After day one, Leon wrote “Had a super amazing time yesterday with the prophetic group. There was about 30 of us in total, and a very excited atmosphere which was great… there was such a huge presence of God in the room which gave me such freedom and authority not just to only share and encourage but also commission them as a church to reach the lost and broken. It really felt like a bulldozer experience whereby the Lord was using me to clear the way. It was pretty cool to see the church standing together, being commissioned to go and see the lost saved. Testimony came that many got healed instantly. Shenelle and I were praying for a lady and I had a picture of her lungs, where the Lord was breathing into them. I shared that with her, and she broke into tears and told us she has been diagnosed with lung cancer.”

Leon was using the Mobilise Global booklets, “Empowered by the Spirit” as the foundation for these times. “It was exciting as we taught, did demonstrations and just had fun… We had an amazing time at the Sozo Foundation in Muizenberg, where we met with staff, youth and people from the community. They offer skills training and other development stuff for youth. I preached, shared my testimony, did some training around how to share the gospel and then we had a time of prayer. The Lord really ministered to people as you could feel a lifting in the atmosphere. There was a sense of the Lord really meeting people where they were at, as many come from neighbourhoods that are plagued with gangsterism, fear, hopelessness, drugs etc. Many got saved and recommitted their lives to Jesus, we praise him for that. I was watching those who were praying and I could see they were very sincere - they had met with God.” 

We thank God for all He did through the Dasrath family, and all glory goes to Him. In the midst of ministry they got to have fun as a family, despite Leon having a broken leg since getting bashed onto a rock whilst fishing a few weeks ago!! Let’s continue to pray for them, and the places they visited. “We believe God opened a door into the supernatural.” Amen.




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